Termékek vásároljon hegesztő gázt a közelben (141)

Rozwádás rozsdamentes acél MIG/MAG, TIG

Rozwádás rozsdamentes acél MIG/MAG, TIG

Spawanie stali kwasoodpornej MIG/MAG, TIG. Grubość do 20mm. Welding of carbon steel using MAG, MIG and TIG methods Low-alloy steels are alloys to which additional components have been added, such as manganese, chromium or nickel, in quantities not exceeding 2% of a single component. Considering the specific properties and intended use, we distinguish three groups of materials: steels with increased strength , low-alloy steels for power engineering and steels for thermal improvement. Carbon Steel Welding Procedures It is worth noting that the increase in the content of carbon and alloying elements worsens the weldability of steel and carries the risk of cold cracks. Before starting welding, our specialists will assess the weldability of steel based on the chemical composition and the Ce equivalent. On this basis, they will determine whether they are dealing with easily weldable steel, with limited weldability or difficult to weld. We also use the hardness criterion for the initial assessment of weldability. In the case of low-alloy steels with a higher carbon equivalent, we use specific technological measures, such as: increased linear arc energy, preheating and low-hydrogen welding processes.
Mecano – Fémhegesztés

Mecano – Fémhegesztés

La soldadura metálica es un proceso esencial en la fabricación de estructuras y componentes metálicos. Este método implica la unión de piezas metálicas mediante la aplicación de calor, creando una conexión fuerte y duradera. La soldadura metálica es utilizada en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, desde la construcción de edificios hasta la fabricación de maquinaria industrial. En Luger, somos expertos en la soldadura metálica de piezas y conjuntos complejos. Nuestro equipo de soldadores altamente capacitados utiliza técnicas avanzadas para garantizar la calidad y precisión de cada soldadura. Ofrecemos soluciones personalizadas que cumplen con las especificaciones exactas de nuestros clientes, asegurando que cada proyecto se complete con éxito y dentro del plazo establecido.
CRP hegesztőrobot

CRP hegesztőrobot

I robot di saldatura CRP presentano un design compatto con un'apertura del braccio di quasi 1,8 metri, consentendo un'installazione flessibile a terra o in posizione invertita. Con un ampio spazio di lavoro, operazioni ad alta velocità e alta precisione di riposizionamento, questi robot sono adatti per una vasta gamma di applicazioni di saldatura. Il loro design avanzato e le loro capacità li rendono una scelta ideale per le industrie che cercano di migliorare i propri processi di saldatura. Che tu stia lavorando con forme complesse o profili semplici, i robot di saldatura CRP offrono risultati eccezionali ogni volta. Progettati per efficienza e precisione, i robot di saldatura CRP sono perfetti per i produttori che desiderano migliorare i propri processi di saldatura. Il loro design avanzato e le loro capacità garantiscono un'operazione precisa ed efficiente, riducendo gli sprechi e aumentando la produttività. Con il loro design compatto e le opzioni di installazione flessibili, questi robot sono facili da integrare nei flussi di lavoro esistenti, rendendoli uno strumento versatile per qualsiasi processo di produzione. Che tu stia lavorando con forme complesse o profili semplici, i robot di saldatura CRP forniscono gli strumenti necessari per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.
Transtac Hegesztési Védőfüggöny - DIN EN ISO 25980

Transtac Hegesztési Védőfüggöny - DIN EN ISO 25980

Schweißer-Schutzvorhang TransTac Schweißerschutzvorhänge schützen gemäß DIN EN ISO 25980 bei einem Gefährdungsfaktor <1. Darüber hinaus bieten die Vorhänge Schutz gegen Schweißspritzer und Schlackenteile. Beim Schutzgasschweißen bleibt die schützende Gashülle erhalten, da Zugluft durch die Vorhänge abgehalten wird. Oberkante mit äußerst stabilen, eingeschweißten Kunststoffringösen Aufhängung mit Kunststoff-PA-Haken am C-Profil Einfaches Verschieben der Vorhänge in Parkstellung wie bei einer Gardine Spezielle Laufrollen für größere Höhen Befestigung an Rohr oder Schutzgittern mit Karabinerhaken Produktdetails: Farben: T40 (rotorange); T50 (rotbraun); T55 (eurogrün); T75m (dunkelgrün matt) Standardbreite: 1300 mm Standardhöhe: 1600mm bis 3000mm Dicke: 0,4 mm Rundum mit Saum Oberkante mit 7 verstärkten Kunststoffringösen Seitlich eingeschweißte Druckknöpfe zum Aneinanderreihen mehrerer Vorhänge Gewicht: 1,60 kg/Stück Gefährdungsfaktor: 0,80
Welded assemblies for custom prototypes and series

Welded assemblies for custom prototypes and series

Die Schweißbaugruppen von MX Prototyping GmbH bieten eine hohe Präzision und Effizienz durch den Einsatz modernster Schweißtechnologien und qualifiziertem Personal. Unsere Schweißbaugruppen werden aus Werkstoffen wie Magnesium, Aluminium, Stahl und Edelstahl hergestellt und bieten eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit. Durch die Prüfung der Schweißnähte durch Schliffuntersuchungen stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Schweißbaugruppen den höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen. Unsere Schweißbaugruppen sind das Ergebnis eines strengen Qualitätsmanagements und eines nahtlosen Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Technik. Wir setzen auf eine kompromisslose Qualitätspolitik, die sicherstellt, dass jedes Teil, das unser Werk verlässt, den höchsten Standards entspricht. Mit einem engagierten Team von Fachleuten, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Fachwissen verfügen, sind wir in der Lage, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.
BOS DIAM.52 - Hegesztett vagy tűzött

BOS DIAM.52 - Hegesztett vagy tűzött

Spécialiste en emballages et conditionnements métalliques, notre entreprise propose une vaste gamme de produits, des boîtes sérigraphiées aux capsules en plastique pour emballage. Nous excellons dans la production de boîtes métalliques lithographiées et décorées, adaptées aux exigences des secteurs alimentaire et cosmétique. En tant que fabricant d’emballages métalliques, nous offrons des solutions sur mesure, y compris des bidons fer blanc alimentaires, boites standards ou personnalisées, ainsi que des couvercles et fonds pour boites composites. Nos installations sont équipées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de l'industrie, avec une gamme incluant des emballages métalliques industriels et alimentaires, ainsi que des accessoires estampés et embossés. Nous assurons la conformité de nos emballages homologués pour les matières dangereuses et offrons des boîtes cylindriques, des boîtes de conserve métalliques pour huile d'olive, et des bidons en métal. Hauteur:mm.70 Volume:125 ml Qté / palette 800 x 1200:5376 Qté / palette 1120 x 1420:8832 Fermeture:TA, Composite
Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 450mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 450mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

The Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 450mm Hand Held Impulse Heat Sealer is a robust, portable tool designed for efficient and reliable sealing. This versatile impulse sealer excels in diverse applications, from packaging and logistics to industrial operations.Its powerful heating element delivers precise, consistent seals across a wide range of pouch and bag sizes up to 450mm.Advanced temperature control ensures optimal sealing without damaging materials, while the ergonomic design promotes comfort and ease of use. Ideal for various industries, this durable sealer is built to withstand demanding environments and offers safety features for operator protection. Easy maintenance and cleaning contribute to its long-term performance.Trust Hawo for quality and reliability in your sealing solutions.


ART. 1200/100 CERNIERE A SALDARE AD ALI PANE IN ACCIAIO GREZZO PERNO LEVABILE Confezione: 10 Dimensione(mm): 100 x 60 x 3,0
Dróthálós hálók homlokzatokhoz

Dróthálós hálók homlokzatokhoz

Wire Woven Meshes open new possibilities for architects, engineers, and designers by offering creative solutions for both functional and aesthetic purposes. These meshes can be used in various applications, including facades, claddings, curtains, partitions, enclosures, solar protection, and urban furniture. Manufactured from materials like stainless steel, aluminium, brass, and copper, wire woven meshes enhance design and creativity, modernizing spaces with their unique designs. MaffGroup creative metals open new possibilities to architects, engineers, designers, spaces and ephemeral assembling specialists in order to dispose of creative solutions both for functional character and aesthetic one. Any metal mesh aplication is possible: facades, claddings, curtains, partitions, enclosures, solar protection, false ceilings, urban furniture...Spaces are renovated and modernized when using metal cloth of suprising designs. Metal meshes are manufactured in stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, special alloys, etc., a range of possibilities that enhance design and creativity.


Los recubrimientos de tornillería de ESINSA están diseñados para mejorar la durabilidad y la resistencia de los componentes de tornillería en aplicaciones industriales. Estos recubrimientos, que incluyen Zincados, Galvanizados, SermaGard®, Xylan® y Xylar®, ofrecen una excelente resistencia a los productos químicos, la vibración y el desgaste, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo en condiciones extremas. ESINSA ofrece recubrimientos de tornillería que se adaptan a una amplia gama de aplicaciones, proporcionando soluciones personalizadas para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Con un enfoque en la calidad y la innovación, ESINSA garantiza que sus recubrimientos de tornillería cumplan con los más altos estándares de la industria. Estos productos están diseñados para mejorar la eficiencia operativa y reducir los costos, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo en todas las aplicaciones.
Sealpvc SF 240: PVC vízmegállító statikus szerkezeti ízületekhez, amelyek az aljzaton nyugszanak

Sealpvc SF 240: PVC vízmegállító statikus szerkezeti ízületekhez, amelyek az aljzaton nyugszanak

Sealpvc SF 240 The SEALPVC SF 250 waterstop is a waterproof profile in PVC that is not hydro-expansive, having a thickness of 24 centimetres and high elasticity. It is used in static joints for horizontal casting (slabs), in concrete structures, resting on the substrate beneath the reinforcement. Given its particular composition, it can be cut with a sharp blade (cutter) and welded with simple heat welding tools, thus making it easier to create connections in the course of work. Waterproofing of static construction joints between: raft foundation and the elevation wall, between two raft foundations, between two elevation walls, between the wall and floor, resting on foundations under the shoring. Bind with iron wire the side flaps of the waterstop to the steel plates provided, in order to position it and secure it in a central position with respect to the casting to be made. Proceed with the casting operations, ensuring it does not bend nor move from the seat identified. 1 m/m: Use Sealpvc SF 240 welding the two edges of different belts head to head using a leister (manual hot air welder). Roll 25 m
Fémlemezek megmunkálása és vágása

Fémlemezek megmunkálása és vágása

Processi industriali che includono il taglio, la modellatura e la rifinitura di lamiere metalliche per ottenere componenti di varie forme e dimensioni. Questi processi si avvalgono di diverse tecniche, come il taglio laser, il taglio a getto d'acqua, la piegatura e la punzonatura, per trasformare materiali come acciaio, alluminio e inox in prodotti finiti o semilavorati. La lavorazione e il taglio delle lamiere sono fondamentali per molti settori, inclusa la carpenteria metallica, l’edilizia, l’automotive e l’arredamento, poiché permettono di ottenere pezzi personalizzati adatti a specifiche esigenze strutturali ed estetiche. Le lamiere lavorate possono essere sottoposte a ulteriori trattamenti, come la saldatura e i trattamenti antiruggine, per migliorarne la resistenza e la durata nel tempo.
Hot Stamping folyamata

Hot Stamping folyamata

El proceso de "Hot Stamping" es una técnica de impresión en la que, mediante calor y presión, se transfiere una película al material. Una placa de troquel especialmente fabricada, a menudo de metal, se calienta y presiona la película sobre el objeto a imprimir, lo que hace que el color o el diseño deseado se adhiera. Las películas utilizadas pueden ser metálicas, de color o transparentes y le dan al producto un acabado brillante y de alta calidad. Una ventaja esencial es la durabilidad y resistencia de la impresión, que no se desvanece ni se descama. Además, el proceso permite la creación de efectos metálicos y diseños precisos y detallados que son difíciles de lograr con otros métodos. "Hot Stamping" es ideal para acabados duraderos.
Ragasztás és hegesztés

Ragasztás és hegesztés

Unsere bewährten Technologien ermöglichen die zuverlässige Verbindung diverser Kunststoffmaterialien, von ABS bis Polycarbonat. Verlassen Sie sich auf unsere fundierte technische Expertise und unseren umfassenden Ansatz, der von der Beratung bis zur akkuraten Umsetzung in den Bereichen Kleben und Schweißen reicht.
Összekapcsolás / Hegesztés

Összekapcsolás / Hegesztés

Sichere Verbindungen durch bewährte Technologie: - Widerstandsschweißen - Widerstandslöten, Hartlöten - Laserschweißen - Plasmaschweißen - Buckelschweißen - Rollnahtschweißen - Kompaktieren Um metallische Produkte dauerhaft miteinander zu verbinden, werden u. a. Techniken wie Widerstandsschweißen, Hartlöten, Warmverstemmen oder Laserschweißen angewandt. Wir haben unser Aufgabenfeld dahingehend erweitert, dass die Philosophie alle Prozesse unter einem Dach zu vereinen voran getrieben wird.
Ipari robotok

Ipari robotok

Industrial robots are an essential component in modern manufacturing, offering unparalleled precision and efficiency in various production processes. These robots are designed to handle tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or require high precision, making them invaluable in industries such as automotive, electronics, and metal fabrication. With the ability to operate continuously without fatigue, industrial robots significantly enhance productivity and reduce operational costs. Their versatility allows them to be programmed for a wide range of applications, including welding, painting, assembly, and material handling, ensuring that they can adapt to the evolving needs of any production line. The integration of industrial robots into manufacturing processes not only boosts efficiency but also improves product quality by minimizing human error. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and control systems that enable them to perform complex tasks with high accuracy. As technology continues to advance, industrial robots are becoming more intelligent and capable, incorporating features such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to optimize their performance. By investing in industrial robots, companies can achieve greater operational flexibility, enhance workplace safety, and maintain a competitive edge in the global market.
Lézerhegesztési szolgáltatások

Lézerhegesztési szolgáltatások

Laser-Schweißdienstleistungen mit Wobble-Technologie und Lasern mit einer Leistung von bis zu 2 kW. Wir bieten Lösungen für das Schweißen von Batteriemodulen, Blechteilen oder Rohren aus Edelstahl und Aluminium an. Darüber hinaus können wir Schweißungen in Materialkombinationen wie Nickel-Kupfer oder Nickel-Stahl durchführen. In unserem Labor stehen Ihnen die folgenden Laser zur Verfügung: Laser QCW 600-6000 Laser CW 50 µm 1000 W Laser SingleMode CW 20 µm 2000W In unserer robotergestützten Zelle können wir zudem verschiedene Laserköpfe verwenden, kombiniert mit Systemen zur Überwachung von Temperatur, Arbeitsabstand und coaxialer Bildverarbeitung! Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren!
Hegesztő keretek

Hegesztő keretek

We specialize in advanced welding services, including MIG-MAG and WIG welding, with a maximum electrical power of 400 A, ensuring precision and durability for every project. Our capabilities include welding steel components and tube constructions with dimensions up to 10 meters in length and weights reaching 10 tons, meeting the demands of large-scale industrial applications. In addition to traditional welding, we provide spot welding and cutting-edge robotic welding services for components with dimensions up to 5 meters in length and 3 meters in width. These can be processed single-sided or double-sided, guaranteeing efficiency and uniformity. With our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced team, we deliver high-quality solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring reliable results for heavy-duty and precision projects alike.
Ipari Gyártás, Összeszerelés és Fémhegesztési Szolgáltatások

Ipari Gyártás, Összeszerelés és Fémhegesztési Szolgáltatások

Our company specializes in the production and assembly of metal structures and components, offering high-quality products and services in the welding and metalworking industry. With years of experience, we manufacture: Prefabricated halls for industrial, commercial, and agricultural purposes. Metal fences, gates, and canopies, customized to meet specific client requirements. Machine components and structural parts, crafted with precision and superior metal processing. Our mission is to deliver reliable, tailor-made solutions using state-of-the-art technology and premium materials. We focus on partnerships with companies across Europe, especially in Italy, France, Germany, and Switzerland, and are open to cooperation on projects requiring expertise in precision manufacturing and welding. Key advantages: High-quality craftsmanship and precision. Flexibility to meet client needs. Expertise in handling complex projects. Contact us for a reliable partner in the production and assembly of metal structures.
Orbital-automatikus hegesztés WIG/TIG eljárással.

Orbital-automatikus hegesztés WIG/TIG eljárással.

- Die Erfahrung im Bereich industrieller Rohrleitungssysteme - Fertigung Rohrsysteme aus Kohlenstoff- und Edelstahl - Durchführen spezielle Montage- und Schweißarbeiten
Hangár Építés Hegesztési Gyártás

Hangár Építés Hegesztési Gyártás

This is a turnkey hangar construction project delivered by KEP. Our capabilities include sheet steel laser cutting, profile laser cutting, profile hollow section bending, sheet steel pressing, fabrication, certified welding, hot dip galvanizing, electrostatic painting, machining of steel parts, civil constructions, solar panel structures, solar trackers, gutters, chimneys, fences, ladders. Solar Industry Solar panel structures, solar trackers, construction of solar panel bases, steel and galvanized steel fabrication. Wind Energy Wind turbine constructions, engine housing, steel foundation of wind turbines, fabricated steel parts. Power Plants Welded steel fabrications for power plant infrastructure, façades, panels, platforms. Hydro Energy Stainless steel turbine housing fabrication, welded steel constructions for dams, hydroenergy plants, general steel structures.Building & Construction Our works include many different designs and steel structures for building industry and construction works for industrial and accomodation purposes. Façades & Exterior Constructions Steel façades, steel ladder constructions, metal platforms, metal bases, industrial ceilings, steel fences, welded metal fences, steel balcony guards. Water Management Chimneys, grouts, rain gutters, steel ventilation, drip edges, snow guards, steel roof caps, general steel fabrications for homebuilding and protection. General Steel Works Fences, ladders, steel bases, steel ceilings, stairs, steel fabrication of balconies. Infrastructure Our previous experience shows numerous successful projects and tenders in steel fabrication of infrastructure industry. Steel Infrastructure Steel constructions of roads, steel galvanzied street lamps, telecommunication towers, electrical towers, steel road fences. Civil Works Steel fabrication thrash cans, steel garbage bins, steel railings. Cable Cars & Funiculars We are experienced in transportation industry as well as steel constructions of cable cars and welded fabrications of structures of funiculars. Cable Car Construction Welded, galvanized or painted steel parts for cable cars, complete cable car steel constructions. Funicular Station Structures Steel fabrication works for funicular stations, ropeways, transportation parts, metal constructions. Machinery Our engineers’ experience allows us to work seamlessly with machinery production companies for steel constructions. Machinery Construction Welded, machined, galvanized or painted structures and steel constructions of machinery. Serial Production Serial manufacturing of machine structures, stainless steel parts, laser cut steel works. Interior Decor & Furniture Our production includes sheet steel laser cutting, laser steel profile cutting, that are perfect for production of interior decor and furniture projects. Interior Decor Steel ladders for home and building interiors, fabricatel metal railings for homes, winter garden steel constructions. Furniture & Appliances Production of furniture steel parts, welded furniture fabrication,. Custom Projects Steel fabricated works for interior architecture projects, custom designed production of steel structures. General Construction We are open and able in different sectors that require welded constructions. For any grand project we will engage our team for best construction works. Depos, Silos, Containers Stainless steel welded chemical depo production, stainless steel silo fabrication, steel containers for energy, prefabrics, homebuilding, industrial metal containers. Warehouse and Hangars Façades for warehouse and hangars, steel fabricated support structures, steel bases, complete steel welding constructions. About Us We as Kosovo Engineering Projects LLC are a company in the prestigious Innovation and Technology Park in Prizren. We provide high quality machining and welding projects for various industries. Our goal is to increase the dynamics and capabilities of Kosovo’s industry. We are a group of engineers, operators, welders and technicians who have tens of years of experience working with companies in the European Union. Our approach to steelworks projects are always detailed, refined and quality oriented.
Robotizált hegesztés, MIG/MAG és TIG

Robotizált hegesztés, MIG/MAG és TIG

INOFAMA S.A. oferuje kompleksowe usługi spawania, które obejmują zaawansowane spawanie zrobotyzowane oraz precyzyjne spawanie manualne metodami MIG/MAG i TIG. Nasze rozwiązania pozwalają na efektywną obróbkę szerokiego zakresu materiałów, w tym stali czarnej, stali nierdzewnej oraz aluminium, co czyni naszą ofertę wyjątkowo elastyczną i dostosowaną do potrzeb przemysłowych. Metody spawania: • MIG/MAG • TIG • Robot spawalniczy Materiały obsługiwane: • Stal czarna • Stal nierdzewna • Aluminium
Acél szerkezetek és hegesztés

Acél szerkezetek és hegesztés

OGGO Tech operates in steel constructions and parts. We are a third-generation family company. We provide reliable and competitively priced products with quality. Over 90% of OGGO Tech projects are directly exported to companies in EU countries. Certification: ISO 9001 ISO 3834-2 EN 1090-2 EX3 WPS, PQR, WPQ In house capabilities: Laser Cutting Sheet Metals up to 35mms Laser Profile Cutting Bending Sheet Metal, Profiles, Pipes Professional Welding Hot Dip Galvanize Electrostatic Coating
robotizált hegesztőrendszer

robotizált hegesztőrendszer

robotic lasper welding, robotic mig and mag welding, robot and external axis, positioner, robotic welding system.
Modern ipari robotok az IDH-tól testreszabott automatizálási megoldásokhoz

Modern ipari robotok az IDH-tól testreszabott automatizálási megoldásokhoz

Unsere Industrieroboter bieten Unternehmen eine leistungsstarke und flexible Lösung zur Automatisierung vielfältiger Produktionsprozesse. Mit unseren Roboterlösungen steigern Sie die Effizienz, Präzision und Produktivität in Ihrer Fertigung und profitieren von einem hohen Automatisierungsgrad, der sich an die spezifischen Anforderungen Ihrer Branche anpassen lässt. Von der Montage über das Schweißen bis hin zur Verpackung und Palettierung – unsere Industrieroboter sind vielseitig einsetzbar und sorgen für zuverlässige und wiederholgenaue Ergebnisse in allen Arbeitsbereichen. Die Industrieroboter sind mit fortschrittlicher Sensorik und Steuerungstechnik ausgestattet, die eine exakte und schnelle Anpassung an verschiedene Aufgaben ermöglicht. Dank ihrer hohen Traglast und Reichweite bieten sie eine robuste und leistungsstarke Lösung für anspruchsvolle Produktionsumgebungen, wie sie in der Automobil-, Elektronik-, Lebensmittel- und Logistikbranche vorkommen. Unsere Roboter lassen sich nahtlos in bestehende Produktionslinien integrieren und unterstützen die Automatisierung komplexer Abläufe, wodurch der Durchsatz erhöht und die Produktionskosten gesenkt werden. Unsere Industrieroboter zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Energieeffizienz, Wartungsfreundlichkeit und Langlebigkeit aus. Mit intuitiver Programmierbarkeit und flexiblen Einsatzmöglichkeiten bieten sie Unternehmen eine zukunftssichere Lösung, die sowohl in der Serienproduktion als auch in der Kleinserienfertigung wertvolle Effizienzgewinne ermöglicht. Durch die Verwendung unserer Industrieroboter sichern Sie sich nicht nur höhere Produktionsstandards, sondern auch eine zuverlässige und nachhaltige Automatisierung Ihrer Prozesse.
Fémlemez hajlítása és fém alkatrészek hegesztése

Fémlemez hajlítása és fém alkatrészek hegesztése

Découvrez notre maîtrise du pliage de tôle et de la soudure, des techniques clés pour le façonnage et l'assemblage de vos pièces métalliques. Nous assurons un travail de haute qualité pour chaque étape, répondant aux besoins spécifiques de la fabrication d'ensembles mécaniques. Nos solutions sur mesure garantissent robustesse et précision pour chaque projet industriel. Notamment grâce à notre parc machine moderne : Plieuse TRUBEND 5050, 50 tonnes, longueur de pliage 1m Plieuse TRUBEND V130, 130 tonnes, longueur de pliage 3m Poste à souder TIG COMERCY Poste à souder MIG COMERCY Braseuse par induction CEIA
Lézerhegesztés ipari alkalmazásokhoz

Lézerhegesztés ipari alkalmazásokhoz

We specialize in high-precision laser welding and the production of semi-finished metal components. Our advanced laser technology ensures exceptional accuracy and strength in every weld, meeting the rigorous demands of industrial applications. We work closely with manufacturers, providing custom welding solutions for series production and small-batch orders. From automotive to aerospace, our flexible services support a range of industries looking to optimize production with quality welding and assembly solutions. Our commitment to efficiency and excellence ensures that your components are delivered on time, up to spec, and ready for further processing. Partner with us to streamline your production process and achieve outstanding results with every project.
Artsen2 CM500C Sor Hajógyári Szállító MIG/MAG Hegesztők

Artsen2 CM500C Sor Hajógyári Szállító MIG/MAG Hegesztők

Digital Microprocessor Controlled Inverter Technology; Synergic control of MIG/MAG CO2 welding processes; Stable welding with stick-out lengths up to 30mm; Achieving stabilized vertical-up welding at 150A with flux-cored wire and 50m inter-connection cable set. Standard locking function for both front panel locking & parameters range locking; Standard Job saving features (10 Jobs) Supporting SMARC welding cloud system for networking with IoT solution; Duty cycle 500A 100% @ 40°C Convenient for building multi-operator system Proven record in heavy industries since 2014; High tolerance against input voltage fluctuation (25%+/-); Protection of PCB and wire-feeder from vibration, collision, moisture, and salty air. Superior reliability with self-protecting design and error code display for easy maintenance.
Welding curtains, welding masks, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) products

Welding curtains, welding masks, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) products

Kaynak perdeleri, kaynak maskeleri ve diğer kişisel koruyucu donanımlar (KKD), kaynak işlemleri sırasında işçilerin güvenliğini sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Bu ürünler, zararlı ışınlardan, dumanlardan ve parçacıklardan korunmayı sağlar. Yüksek kaliteli malzemelerden üretilen bu ürünler, uzun ömürlü ve dayanıklıdır. Kaynak perdeleri, kaynak işlemleri sırasında oluşan zararlı ışınları engelleyerek, işçilerin gözlerini ve cildini korur. Kaynak maskeleri ise, işçilerin solunum yollarını zararlı dumanlardan korur. Diğer KKD ürünleri, işçilerin güvenliğini artırmak için çeşitli koruma sağlar. Bu ürünler, çeşitli sektörlerde kullanılabilir ve işletmenizin güvenlik standartlarına uyum sağlamasına yardımcı olur.
Szálas lézeres fémvágás

Szálas lézeres fémvágás

We produce from smaller things such as Metal Chairs, Tables, Railing designs . up to Metal construction buildings.